Why Can’t I Lose Weight At The Dojo

By Christina Major  |  9 February 2020   

Maybe your goal was to lose weight this year, and you started off really well. You ate salads, had fruit for snacks, and cleaned up your diet. Even started to feel good, with more energy, your pants fit better, and your training improved.

But… it's so hard to keep it up... It starts with just one snack or a meal out, then turns into another, and another… Then you start to wonder why you started this diet in the first place.

Exploring Why You Don’t Want To – Digging for the Real Reason

Humans, by nature, are lazy. They tend to take the easiest route – it’s what makes us great and innovative.

Woman Holding Scale | Fighting Arts Health Lab

But… if that's true, how did some people end up losing 200 lb? How do some people win championships? How can some people put in the real hard work that nearly everyone else won’t? It all goes back to taking the easiest route. What is the course you want to take? For some people, the only route they can take is the one that leads to their goal. But, they still take the easiest way to get there.

Most People Want to Lose Weight - but Don’t.

For some people, they have overcome the wanting to lose weight, until it’s the only viable route they can take – it’s the only outcome. The donut, the meal out, the cheating… it doesn't even exist on their road, it’s not even an exit.

For this specific group of people, the question isn’t if they will lose weight, but what path are they taking to achieve it. Some might choose low-carb diets, while others excessive exercise. But, they will still choose the path of least resistance – at least from their point of view. Few take the time to fully educate themselves on the different weight loss approaches and select the one that is right for them.

The same thing is true for the prizefighter. For them, the only path in life is to get into the ring and be the one to emerge victoriously. They still choose the easiest way, whether it’s MMA, taekwondo, boxing, or savate street fighting. It’s why some will dehydrate themselves into kidney failure or continue to fight through a head injury. For them, winning is the goal and fighting while hurt is still the easier path than losing.

The UFC has seen a handful of fighters miss events due to weight-cutting mishaps, including former UFC welterweight champion Johny Hendricks. He was hospitalized with an intestinal blockage and kidney stone the day before UFC 192, forcing the UFC to scrap its co-headliner fight; Hendricks versus Tyron Woodley.

Choosing Your Path

So now, it's 2020, and you have your New Year's resolutions to work on. Is it losing weight? Is it training more? Is it personal growth? It's time to evaluate whether your goal is achievable.

Look at your goal, ask yourself these questions and write down your answers:

  • What is my exact goal?
  • Did I define my goal in a positive way? Or did I set myself up for failure?
  • Why do I want to achieve this goal?
  • What will I get when I achieve this goal?
  • Is this something that will stay with me forever?

Now, let's break down those questions.

What is My Exact Goal?

Most people set wishes, not goals. Goals are specific and measurable. If you're looking to lose weight, how much and we’re from your body? Is a 10 lb or 6 in?

Did I Set Myself Up for Failure?

This is something most people unconsciously do. When we say we want to lose weight, we are automatically setting ourselves up for failure. That’s because people don’t like to lose, they like to win. Imagine getting into the fighting ring and thinking about losing weight? Could you win if you are thinking about losing?

So, when your mind hears lose weight, it's going to fight it because it doesn't want to lose. It’s better to set yourself up to fit into a particular size dress pant, shirt, or hit a specific number on the scale. Just be sure you always talk and favorable terms.

Why Do I Want to Achieve this Goal? 

Is it because you were supposed to? Or is there a health reason, image reason? Did someone tell you to reach a certain weight? Without a compelling reason to achieve your goal, you're not going to do it.

Weight Loss Success | Fighting Arts Health Lab

About 15 years ago, I weighed over 200 pounds. I looked up at the mirror at one point and saw a person I didn't like. I made a goal to cut my dress size in half. For me, I needed to get healthy or die. I have kept over 60 lb of weight off because putting it back on represents pain - migraines, stiff joints, and an inability to do the things I love.

What Will I Get When I Achieve this Goal?

For me, when I lost weight, I gained freedom. What will you do, what will you gain, when you finally reach your goals? What will you do next?

Do You Want this to Stay With You Forever?

Is this goal something you could see in the long-term? Will this good ten years from now or 30 years from now? Weight loss generally is beneficial in the long term. But, is your goal of being a champion MMA fighter, and the injuries that come with it, something you want to endure for the rest of your life?

Achieving any goal, especially something like long-term weight loss, requires you dig deep and find the reason. Once you find the motive, you can find what distracts you and deters your success. Then, those can be overcome.

Or, you might find out your goal isn't something you genuinely want.

Still not sure where to start? Check out The Fighter’s Nutritional Blueprint: Creating a Combat Arts Ready Body as it will provide you with the necessary steps to start your journey.

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About the author

Christina Major is a Holistic Nutritionist, Naturopath, and herbalist. She owns Crystal Holistic Health, a nutritional consulting and writing business specializing in complementary and alternative medicine. She has over a decade of helping people find health, lose weight, and get off medications. Christina has practiced martial arts for 18 years. Staring with an eclectic group in college, she practiced Tang Soo Do and Tai Kwan Do for three years after graduation. After moving to Central PA, she began studying Taijutsu where she obtained a 2nd-degree black belt and studied the art directly under the Soke and top Shihan in Japan.

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