Physical Injuries

Full contact and non-contact martial arts are known for the occasional injury. Martial arts training and participation means the risk of bodily injury will always be present. Most often these injuries will be mild in nature, and occasionally they will be severe. A martial artist with the most powerful physique and careful training approach may still incur muscle or tendon strains, groin pull, nerve damage or finger dislocation.

But injuries of all kinds do happen in every type of martial art, from traditional Shotokan to Krav Maga, Eskrima, Hapkido, and Ninjitsu to Jeet Kune Do, Judo, BJJ, Kung Fu, Aikido, and of course MMA. Bruises, cuts, fractures, ligament tears, pinched nerves, dislocated bones, eye and head injuries all happen during training, sparring, events and fights. The content contained in this section is not intended to cover all injuries, just those that typically occur during training or a competition.

This content is not intended to replace the advice provided by your physician. You should always seek medical advice from a healthcare professional when dealing with a physical injury or condition. 


Signs of Injury


Common Injuries
